Ending plastic pollution: How a 公司表现及问责 framework will unlock action

Published: 23 Nov 2023
Author: 昆汀·德雷威尔,产品总监 & 材料和德尔福·加林,塑料经理 & Packaging
Type: Insight

Delegates from more than 160 countries came together last week at the UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi to continue discussions on an International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI) to end plastic pollution. 在政府间谈判委员会第三次会议期间, countries shared views on what should be included in the zero draft treaty– with topics ranging from plastic production, 问题塑料和产品设计, 使用回收材料, 扩大生产者责任和废物管理. 尽管这些术语还没有定义, 前进的方向很明确:到2024年底, 一项全球条约将涉及塑料的整个生命周期, 包括生产, design and disposal.

Businesses need to begin preparing for compliance and strengthen how they measure and manage both plastic pollution risk and the business opportunities in accelerating circularity. 通过他们的缓解策略, companies will need well-developed mitigation plans to help deliver the goals of the ILBI, but without a mechanism to consistently and comparably measure and disclose performance, progress will stall.

A 公司表现及问责 framework is a catalyst for business action

正规博彩十大网站认识到 公司表现及问责 framework is essential for businesses to manage both plastic pollution risk and circularity opportunities along the value chain. Developing the systems and tools for 公司表现及问责 provides clear and aligned guidance for business action and will inform the development of transition pathways alongside the treaty negotiations.

在INC-3之前,WBCSD发布 一篇介绍全球塑料协议的论文. 这项商业协议旨在为塑料会计制定全球标准, 目标设定和行动计划, 覆盖塑料泄漏和圆形. 它侧重于通过与企业合作来实现的三个构建模块, 合作伙伴和利益相关者:

会计与评估: Combining over 60 accounting metrics into two key indicators - plastic footprint and plastic circularity - to evaluate company performance.

Ambition: Providing guidance on developing science-based targets to streamline target setting for plastic footprint and circularity.

Action: Developing standardized frameworks for action to reduce plastic footprint and enhance circularity, 同时提供临时指导,直到实现统一.

Accountability and disclosure on plastics will enable financial flows into circular solutions

让企业在结束塑料污染和向循环转型方面取得进展, 我们需要创造公平竞争环境的政策. 但同样重要的是,我们需要资本市场和企业保持一致. 我们WBCSD称之为 企业绩效与问责制度 is the critical unlock between the financial market and corporate action – with ties to accountability, 估值及资本配置.

As part of 绩效管理, business needs to integrate risks related to plastic pollution and opportunities related to a circular economy into decision-making, 创新和战略规划. 企业将不得不翻译ILBI的目标, 让他们的目标与科学保持一致,然后将这些目标转化为过渡计划. 这些过渡计划将推动研发, enhance supply chain collaboration and eventually result in the marketing and sales of sustainable and circular products and services.

In terms of accountability, companies need to prepare to disclose plastic pollution performance information to investors and other stakeholders. Consistent, comparable and high-quality data is key to inform decision-making in the financial sector. This is why CDP is calling for mandatory corporate disclosure on plastic-related risks, ILBI中的依赖关系和影响, 因为自愿披露是不够的.

Financial markets can use this data to price in plastic pollution risk and circularity opportunities and performance in their corporate valuation models. As a result, capital will flow to the companies and solutions that drive transformation to end plastic pollution and transition to circular economy solutions. UNEP-FI[1] explains the major redirections of financial flows needed to enable the three required market shifts identified in UNEP’s Turning off the Tap report: 1) Reuse: increasing reuse business models, 2)回收:增加安全环保的回收, and 3) Reorient & 多样化:向替代材料和塑料重新定位和多样化. The ILBI has the potential to send a strong message to Member States with an objective explicitly calling to align financial flows with pathways toward ending plastic pollution.


In Nairobi, 萨摩亚政府, the United States, Norway and Chile – as the ‘Friends of the Action Agenda’ – called for Non-State Actors to take action to help ground the countries’ negotiations with the ‘real’ economy by organizing sectors to deliver a Stakeholder Action Report setting out the current state and opportunity areas and plastic pollution reduction pathways.

The intent is that the ‘Friends of the Action Agenda will pave the way to an aligned multi-stakeholder action agenda similar to the Marrakesh Partnership for climate once the Plastics Treaty is agreed. 它将为企业参与提供一个强大的机制, 表现出领导能力并参与对话. Business has a central role to play in the delivery of a system-wide transformation to end plastic pollution, 而“行动之友”议程允许企业以可信的方式发挥这一作用, 负责和透明的方式.

解决塑料污染需要雄心勃勃, 社会各阶层的广泛行动, public and private.  The Friends of the Action Agenda can help build momentum toward the adoption of the ILBI. We must take learnings from the climate action agenda to shape a robust multi-stakeholder agenda that drives effective action based on 公司表现及问责.

[1]联合国环境规划署金融倡议(2023). 重新引导资金流动以结束塑料污染. Geneva.

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